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Give your voice to the heroes of the "Crimea, 5 am" project

Our heroes are citizen journalists who didn’t leave the temporarily occupied Crimea. All of them have been arrested on false charges of terrorism or sabotage. Most of our heroes are now imprisoned. They lack the basic freedoms each human deserves. They can’t move freely, they can’t give interviews, they do not have access to information and rarely see their own families. Others who have been released or determined to be under home arrest are also deprived of the opportunity to communicate freely with the world. The wives and children of our heroes are waiting for their husbands and parents from prisons. They also live in the temporarily occupied Crimea and are often deprived of the opportunity to speak out about the ongoing human rights violations, including violations of freedom of speech.

Currently, citizen journalists are most persecuted in the temporarily occupied Crimea. The reason is that they dare to speak, to write write, to stream, to photograph arrests, trials. They dare to do the work of professional media, whose regular activities are now impossible in Crimea. Every arrest of a human rights activist or citizen journalist affects not only this particular person, but the person’s family - parents, wife or husband, children...

When we started the "Crimea, 5 am" project, our desire was to attract the attention of as many people as possible in Ukraine and abroad to our heroes - imprisoned citizen journalists and their families. They are called terrorists and saboteurs by the Russian occupied authoritites. But who they really are? It is important for us to let their stories be heard, to voice them, to read them.

The efforts of the authors of the project are not enough to reach the widest possible audience. So, if you have already visited the web page of the project, watched or read the play, and want to support our heroes, spread the information about them - we will be happy if you do.

You can share a quote from the play on your Facebook or Instagram page through a quote generator or printscreen. You can record a short video reading this quote and post it on your page - do not forget to tag or throw a link to our page - 5am.crimea.ua. Or, if you have the desire and experience (you can do it without experience as well) - you can do more - organize a performative reading of the play, create a performance or any other art work about the heroes of "Crimea, 5 am" project.

To join and "give a voice to the heroes" of the project "Crimea, 5 am", please fill out the form and do not forget to provide your contact details so we can contact you back.

У той момент — не те щоб почуття провини, почуття провини не було. Я знав — не те щоби знав, я був упевнений у тому, що вони такі ж невинні, як і я. Але ось я зараз приїду додому, зможу обійняти своїх дітей. А вони — невинні, такі ж, як і я, — вони цього зробити не зможуть. Це не забувається. Практично щоразу, коли їсти сідаю, — я щоразу згадую. Тому що я тут, їм у сім’ї, а вони там, у геть інших умовах.

(Про свій домашній арешт Амет Сулейманов, громадянський журналіст, активіст, стрімер “Кримської солідарності” у Бахчисараї. Через серйозне захворювання серця з 11 березня 2020 року Амет Сулейманов знаходиться під домашнім арештом. Йому інкримінують участь у терористичній організації і йому загрожує до 20 років позбавлення волі. Проєкт Crimea 5 am)